The entropic penalty approach to stochastic programming pdf

If you have an individual subscription to this content, or if you have purchased this content through pay per article within the past 24 hours, you can gain access by logging in with your username and password here. Application of the tool is illustrated with three dairy farm cases. Robust solutions of uncertain linear programs georgia tech isye. Stochastic programming is a framework for modeling optimization problems that involve uncertainty. Distributionally robust stochastic programming optimization online. Chapter 1 contains a formal approach to stochastic programming, with a discussion of di. We introduce the basics of stochastic programming with emp using a twostage stochastic model and then show how the logic can be extended to multistage stochastic problems. Chapter 1 stochastic linear and nonlinear programming. In most stochastic problems the expected value of the objective is optimized. Guanghui lany arkadi nemirovskiz alexander shapiro x abstract. Introduction operational models of problems in transportation and logistics o. Scenario tree scenario tree is a computationally viable way of discretizing the underlying dynamic stochastic data a multistage stochastic programming approach for production planning with uncertainty in the quality of raw materials and demand. In section 4 we discuss a risk averse variant of the stochastic dual dynamic programming sddp algorithm and its reformulation in a risk neutral form.

A penaltytype decisiontheoretic approach to nonlinear programming problems with stochastic. Possible violation is accepted, but the cost of violations will in. Entropic regularization of markov decision processes. Department of mathematics, massachusetts institute of technology june 7, 2018 abstract solving linear programs by using entropic penalization has recently attracted new interest in the. An approximation scheme for stochastic programs with. Explicit results are derived for some special cases. We extend the robust optimization methodology for lp, introduced by bental and nemirovski, to a unified model in which the uncertainty region is approximated by an appropriate norm body.

Decomposition and duality based approaches to stochastic. Random lps again, we deal with decision problems where the decision x must be made before the realization of. Decomposition and duality based approaches to stochastic integer programming a thesis submitted in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy je rey christiansen bsc adv. The special feature of our approach is the choice of the penalty function p e, which is given in terms of the relative entropy functional, and is accordingly called entropic penalty. In the remainder of this chapter we discuss the stochastic programming extension of gams emp. Three possible approaches to stochastic programming problems defined in time so that they contain random processes are described in this paper. In contribution focus is put on benefits and possible drawbacks of supporting weighted goal programming with penalty functions. A unified approach to statistical design centering of integrated circuits with correlated parameters abbas seifi, kumaraswamy ponnambalam, jiri vlach mathematics, computer science. Prior work the question of how well pen approximates lp as a function of was studied bycominetti and san martin1994. Penalty methods with stochastic approximation for stochastic. In 1992, fang initiated the study of the entropic penalty for linear programs.

Birge northwestern university custom conference, december 2001 2 outline overview examples vehicle allocation financial planning manufacturing methods view ahead. It is an optimization approach over time to determine the best decisions, taking into account relevant constraints, uncertainties and preferences of the decision maker. This approach generalizes to n days of lookahead, and since the problem setting is one of online optimization, the bene ts of two day lookahead accrue rapidly. Most natural practical aspects of asset liability applications such as those mentioned can be modeled well in the multiperiod stochastic programming approach. An answer to both questions is not obvious, and of course should depend on. Moreover, the results of both methods depend strongly on the model for the. Introductory lectures on stochastic optimization stanford university.

This iterative approach relies on the fact that the solution of a stochastic programming problem optimizing the conditional valueat risk only depends on the scenarios on the upper tail of the. The entropic penalty approach to stochastic programming. A basic diculty of solving such stochastic optimization. Whereas deterministic optimization problems are formulated with known parameters, real world problems almost invariably include parameters which are unknown at the time a decision should be made. Teboulle, penalty functions and duality in stochastic programming via. The first new introduction to stochastic processes in 20 years incorporates a modern, innovative approach to estimation and control theory. A stochastic programming approach to scheduling in tac scm. Scenario reduction for stochastic programs with conditional. The value of the stochastic solution vss another approach farmer may have is to assume expected yields and allocate the optimum planting surface according to this yields.

The stochastic program sp is replaced by a deterministic program dp by adding a term to the objective function to penalize solutions which are. Robust stochastic approximation approach to stochastic. A stochastic programming approach for identifying optimal postponement strategies in supply chains with uncertain demand christoph weskamp a, achim kobersteinb, frank schwartzc, leena suhl, and stefan vo. Pdf a stochastic programming approach to the airline. We assume that only noisy gradients or function values of the objective function are available via calls to a stochastic firstorder or zerothorder oracle. In this chapter, we present the multistage stochastic pro. In this paper we describe our stochastic integer programming model for the airline crew scheduling problem and develop. Although many ways have been proposed to model uncertain quantities, stochastic models have proved their. Rather, it depends exclusively on the stochastic factors and the solution to the aforementioned. That is, it is assumed that two types of decision vectors x.

Whereas deterministic optimization problems are formulated with known parameters, real world problems almost invariably include some unknown parameters. Multilevel optimization modeling for riskaverse stochastic. Chemotherapy appointment scheduling is a challenging problem due to the uncertainty in premedication and infusion durations. An explicit analysis of the entropic penalty in linear. The notion of weak solutions in the viscosity sense of p. Here a model is constructed that is a direct representation of fig.

The accumulation of capital stock under uncertainty is one example. Mitchell stochastic programming introduction 19 21. The stochastic program sp is replaced by a deterministic program dp by adding a term to the objective function to penalize solutions which are not feasible in the mean. The entropic penalty approach to stochastic programming, mathematics of operations research 10 1985. The first post covered a specific list of eleven software requirements necessary for stochastic optimization. However, the stochastic programming formulation can easily accommodate a risk measure. The intended audience of the tutorial is optimization practitioners and researchers who wish to. Linderoth january 22, 2003 january 22, 2003 stochastic programming lecture 4 slide 1.

First we extend results by skiadas and lazrakquenez to include a terminal utility. In particular, we provide a proof for the existence of a. The stochastic programming approach to asset, liability and. Research report ccs 454 the entropic penalty approach to stochastic programming by a. In this paper, we propose a class of penalty methods with stochastic approximation for solving stochastic nonlinear programming problems. Solution approaches to stochastic programming models are driven by the type of probability distributions governing the random parameters. The chapter ends with linear and nonlinear programming theory that weighs heavily in stochastic programming. A key factor in portfolio optimization using this approach. Stochastic programming 3 2 twostage stochastic programming in this section we discuss the twostage stochastic programming approach. But even in this approach constraints may be violated, with certain penalty this is the case for sp with recourse 6, 9, scenario optimization. By duality techniques in some cases the minimax approach can be represented in terms of a risk averse stochastic programming.

We add here two more examples for sprhs with independent bis. Existing approaches for these problems are either restricted to deterministic environments or can only address a modest number of scenarios for the uncertain problem parameters. Stochastic programming is an approach for modeling optimization problems that involve uncertainty. A multistage stochastic programming approach for production. Exponential hedging and entropic penalties we prove a duality relation between this problem and a dual problem for local martingale measures q for x where we either minimize relative entropy minus a correction term involving b or maximize the q. Some of these properties are derived via a dual representation of the entropicpenalty which also enable one to compute p more easily. Stochastic dynamic programming is a useful tool in understanding decision making under uncertainty. About new dynamical interpretations of entropic model of correspondence matrix calculation and nashwardrops equilibrium in beckmanns traffic flow distribution model. The stochastic programming approach to asset, liability. When theparametersare uncertain, but assumed to lie. Distributionally robust stochastic programming siam. Lectures on stochastic programming georgia tech isye. In a cvar approach we minimize the average cost of the worst few scenarios.

Then we tackle the robust control problem using a stochastic control approach. Shapiro school of industrial and systems engineering, georgia institute of technology, atlanta, georgia 303320205, usa. This paper proposes a stochastic programming model and solution algorithm for solving supply chain network design problems of a realistic scale. In section 3 we extend this to a multistage setting. Stochastic programming 185 be solved in a reasonable time with a reasonable accuracy, usefulness of such model could be questionable. Stochastic approximation approach to stochastic programming. We extend the analysis to the case of convexconcave stochastic saddle point problems and present in our opinion highly encouraging results of numerical experiments. Exponential hedging and entropy penalties request pdf. The solution methodology is based on the sample average approximation method. A decision about vector x has to be made hereandnow before a realization1 of the corresponding random data. The optimal solution is very sensitive to change on the weather and the respective yields.

Stochastic approximation approach to stochastic programming anatoli juditsky. A popular impression has arisen that the robust approach, with its focus on the worst case, is better able to control risk while stochastic programming emphasizes expected values. An explicit analysis of the entropic penalty in linear programming jonathan weed. A stochastic programming approach for supply chain network. We show how in some situations the corresponding worst case distribution can be computed. A tutorial on stochastic programming alexandershapiro. A common approach to handling uncertainty is to define a small number of scenarios to represent the future.

This work studies a robust control problem that consists in minimizing over a suitable class of probability measures scenarios a felicity process plus a penalty factor. Ie 495 lecture 4 stochastic programming recourse models prof. Chapter 1 stochastic linear and nonlinear programming 1. Pdf robust utility maximization with an entropic penalty. Stochastic programming modeling ima new directions short course on mathematical optimization je linderoth department of industrial and systems engineering university of wisconsinmadison august 8, 2016 je linderoth uwmadison stochastic programming modeling lecture notes 1 77.

In this paper, we show the index set can be reduced to the support set of the dominated random variable strengthening a similar result established by dentcheva and ruszczynski 9 for. Lectures on stochastic programming modeling and theory alexander shapiro georgia institute of technology atlanta, georgia darinka dentcheva stevens institute of technology hoboken, new jersey andrzej ruszczynski. The general formulation of a twostage stochastic programming problem is given by. Teboulle, expected utility, penalty functions and duality in stochastic nonlinear programming, management science 32. Optimizationconstrainted optimization, stochastic programming the work of the rst author was supported by a karen t. An optimal feedback controller for a given markov decision process mdp can in principle be synthesized by value or policy iteration. It is shown that p e has properties which make it suitable to treat stochastic programs. In this paper we study distributionally robust stochastic programming in a setting where there is a specified reference probability measure and the uncertainty set of probability measures consists of measures in some sense close to the reference measure. Exponential hedging and entropic penalties, mathematical. Entropic regularization of markov decision processes deepai. A penaltytype decisiontheoretic approach to nonlinear programming problems with stochastic constraints is introduced. An ergodic bsde approach to forward entropic risk measures. The setup and solution of these problem will require the familiarity with probability theory. A stochastic programming approach to the airline crew scheduling problem.

A stochastic programming approach for identifying optimal. We discussed examples of such decision processes in sections 1. Obtained results confirm advantage of utilizing penalty function system. An explicit analysis of the entropic penalty in linear programming. This paper presents a general model for unification of the robust counterparts of uncertain linear programs lp. Stochastic programming approach to optimization under. In freight transportation, it is the norm to call a carrier the day. Examples of stochastic optimization problems in this chapter, we will give examples of three types of stochastic optimization problems, that is, optimal stopping, total expected discounted cost problem, and longrun average cost problem. In this approach, risk analysis concepts should be combined with optimization tools to obtain an optimal portfolio. The entropic penalty approach to stochastic programming jstor. Risk neutral reformulation approach to risk averse. In this paper we consider optimization problems where the objective function is given in a form of the expectation. A twostage stochastic linear programming lp approach is proposed to address this problem.

Multiple criteria paradigm is based on goal programming approach. The basic idea of twostage stochastic programming is that optimal decisions should be based on data available at the time the decisions are made and cannot depend on future observations. In this paper, we formulate a twostage stochastic mixed integer programming model for the chemotherapy appointment scheduling problem under limited availability and number of nurses and infusion chairs. We intend to demonstrate that a properly modified sa approach can be competitive and even significantly outperform the saa method for a certain class of convex stochastic problems.

Apr 01, 2002 exponential hedging and entropic penalties we prove a duality relation between this problem and a dual problem for local martingale measures q for x where we either minimize relative entropy minus a correction term involving b or maximize the q. Robust stochastic approximation approach to stochastic programming. Stochastic programming with random processes springerlink. The twostage formulation is widely used in stochastic programming. We derive the robust counterpart of an lp whose parameters may fall in any of the. I known distributions, described by densities andor cdfs. Stochastic programming approach to optimization under uncertainty. The random yields are modelled as scenarios with discrete probability distributions. The present decisions x, and the future decisions, y 1, y 2, yk, are all represented explicitly in a linear programming model.